Key benefits of CCTV Systems

What is CCTV?

CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television. Its different from traditional television as CCTV is a closed monitoring and recording system where real-time video and audio are stream and store directly to a local or remote location for security and crime deterring purposes.

While CCTV systems does not stops crime, it deter intention and occurrence. There are different types of CCTV systems, from analog to digital (IP), to single node to multi point intelligent surveillance solutions with facial recognition. All of the with the same purpose and budgets.

CCTV is used as internal and external businesses and residential surveillance but also for many other applications like infrastructure and operation safety, footage evidence, validate insurance claims and security cost reduction.

Benefits of a reliable CCTV system

Deter crime and vandalism

CCTV surveillance systems helps to deter thieves and vandalism activities. Criminals are dissuaded to break into your home or office and stole computers or any other valuable property. Without CCTV, homes and offices becomes easy targets for criminals. Outdoors CCTV surveillance can reduce intent of vandalism by half.

Infrastructure and operation safety

While CCTV systems can allow a constant monitor of critical areas of infrastructure for possible damages during natural disasters, active monitoring surveillance systems can improve operations safety by providing real-time feed of scenarios where safety regulations are not being followed. This help make decisions about workforce and operation procedures.

Monitor threats and illegal activities

Compliance with health and safety procedures are a legitimate reason to monitor employees and public indoors. CCTV cannot be use to damage trust and privacy but by mutual agreement, surveillance cameras can help prevent or take actions on threats and illegal activities inside your facility. Also, can help monitor assets and inventory to improve security.

Produce evidence

On eventual acts of crime or vandalism against your home or business, CCTV can provide answers on how or why these acts occurred. Recorded footage can be provided to authorities and police for investigative purposes.

Maintain record

One of the main functions of CCTV systems is to store audio or video feeds. These feeds are store, generally, by 30 days, in some cases even more depending of the nature of the business using it. I case of requested, a previous feed can be retrieved from storage device or the cloud to perform analysis of any of the previous applications.

Reduce Insurance claims

Insurance companies value CCTV systems installed on your facility. This can reduce your premium rates. Also can help to get better insurance premiums or even some insurance companies required CCTV to provide coverage. Ask your insurance company about discounts or any other benefits derived of having a CCTV system.

Reduce Security Costs

Modern CCTV and surveillance systems have a wide range of installation costs. Having a CCTV surveillance system also reduce the need of having personnel security posts across your facility. 24 hour surveillance CCTV monitoring and protection can be implemented locally, reducing the total of security personnel or remote, as a service, giving the flexibility of having a complete security department.

CCTV Systems considerations

Privacy concerns

While CCTV is an effective security deter system, threats and illegal behavior monitor, it also represents a privacy issue depending on the country or state laws and regulations. Knowing the laws and regulations but also the technical specs of the surveillance system, like view range, tracking capabilities or any Artificial Intelligence capability can help you to plan and implement an effective surveillance system that complies with regulations.


CCTV comes in different categories and technologies. While equipment itself has a cost, installation supplies, maintenance and replacement needs to be planned and included in CCTV implementation budget for your home or office.


As any electronic device, CCTV cameras, monitors and recording equipment can be susceptible to weather damage, vandalism or any natural event like earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Also, like a phone or computer, can become outdated or quality can declines over the years.

Can’t stop Crime

Security systems can deter thieves and vandalism but cannot stop those determined to commit a crime. Human monitoring is a essential part for crime prevention and CCTV allows to take actions like calling authorities before a situation can escalates.

CCTV solutions

CCTV can reduce the intent of criminal actions and vandalism. Its not a stop to criminals but a alert sign to persuade illegal activities. At Brooklyn Tech Support we are committed to provide 24/7 CCTV surveillance products, from outdoor super low lux IP cameras to a completed integrated IP video management platform (IPVMS) for extensive equipment integration from leading manufacturers.

Whether you need to install a new CCTV system or already have a CCTV system and wants to extend its capability and coverage, we are here to assist you. Contact our experts by phone 1 (877) 265-4633 or get a custom plan & quote for your CCTV needs.